This week on “Sunday Morning” (December 31)

Hosted by Jane Pauley.
COVER STORY: Good news you may have missed in 2023
While bad news is often widely covered, good news can be spotted everywhere if you pay attention. There are always reasons to celebrate and feel grateful. From technological advancements to medical successes and global strides in the environment, correspondent David Progue shares some recent headlines from 2023 that highlight the positive moments of the year. For more info:

YEAR IN REVIEW: Top news stories of 2023 month-by-month
Looking back at the year’s events, “Sunday Morning” host Jane Pauley takes us through the significant news stories of 2023, from intense political standoffs, and wars, to the huge success of the movie “Barbenheimer.”

WORLD: The fight for Ukraine: 2023 witnesses a war of attrition
Ukraine and Russia have been locked in a grueling battle for almost two years since Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and Crimean’s conflict. As the war enters a deadlock, both Ukrainian and Russian troops continue to fight, as the embattled Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appeals to the United States and Western allies for support. Correspondent Charlie D’Agata provides an insightful update about the casualties and the unyielding determination on both sides.

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2023’s most popular music
YEAR IN REVIEW: Resolved: To keep making New Year’s resolutions
Despite evidence that the majority of New Year’s resolutions are bound to fail, people continue the tradition each year. Looking back at the history of these resolutions, correspondents Mo Rocca and Nancy Giles determine the audacious attempts and the outcomes of their own resolutions.

COMMENTARY: The Endangered Species Act at 50: “The most dazzling and impactful environmental feat of all time”
Historian Douglas Brinkley celebrates the success of the 1973 law that provided legal protection to Americans’ iconic flora and fauna. A remarkable 99 percent of the endangered species listed have survived in the five decades since the law’s enactment.

WORLD: In the war between Hamas and Israel, both sides resist cease-fire
As Hamas attacked Israel last October and triggered a counteroffensive by the Israeli government in Gaza, there has been little sign of peace between the two, with military experts calling this one of the most appalling wars of the 21st century. Correspondent Imtiaz Tyab reports on both sides’ refusal for a cease-fire, showing that peaceful resolution may be a distant prospect.

YEAR IN REVIEW: Hail and farewell: A tribute to those we lost in 2023
“Sunday Morning” correspondent Lee Cowan remembers the influential individuals lost this year, including activists, musicians, and storytellers who inspired generations with their creativity and humanity.

YEAR IN REVIEW: Remembering those lost in OceanGate’s Titan submersible
Last June, an undersea craft exploring the Titanic wreckage imploded, resulting in the tragic loss of five lives. Correspondent David Pogue reflects on what their sacrifice means for the future of exploration and for those impacted.

COMMENTARY: Anderson Cooper on releasing the burden of grief
Journalist Anderson Cooper examines the tension of grief and the impacts of burying it in silence. He shares the additional strain that hiding grief can place on oneself.

IN MEMORIAM: Newton Minow, who saw television’s “vast wasteland”
Jane Pauley honors Newton Minow, a former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, whose critiques about commercial television media in 1961 overshadowed his other accomplishments.

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2023’s most popular movies

COMMENTARY: R.I.P Jim Gaffigan, by Jim Gaffigan
Comedian Jim Gaffigan preempts the obituary writers with a special memorial to himself.


WEB EXCLUSIVES: THE BOOK REPORT: Ron Charles’ favorite novels of 2023
The Washington Post’s book reviewer, Ron Charles, shares his top picks for the best fiction of the year.

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